In the future, First Nations children will... : Art, poetry and words: a vision for our children's future /

In the future, First Nations children will... : Art, poetry and words: a vision for our children's future / editors: Cindy Blackstock, Sharon Hobenshield, Margaret Kovach. - Victoria, BC : Caring for First Nations Children Society, 2002. - 62 p. : col ill. ; 28 cm.

Words and illustrations in this book are from First Nations children, youth, adults and Elders. Cover by Anjil Hunt, First Nations Child & Family Service Worker, Victoria, BC. This book is a legacy of two conference, the Children & Future Conference - "Building on Our Success of First Nations Child & Family service" (2001) and the Integration of services Forum (2002).

"We are lviing in a time of great change. Our personal actions and decisions have the power to impact our life, community and world. This book is a collection of teachings by children, youth, adults and Elders. The clear and direct words of the children, the poetic visioning of the youth, the cautious optimisim of the adults and the wisdom of the Elders tell us the same message -- be mindful of actions, they have consequences. Action which flows from a clear vision is critical because the future of children and the generations to come are greatly influenced by the choices we make today. The message for us in this book is to go forth with a clear mind and pure heart so that we can live life thoughtfully with respect for all living beings. The voice in this book convey hope for the future." p. 7

All Juvenile

Canadian literature (English)--First Nations authors
First Nations--Art--Children's literature
First Nations--Authors--Youth--British Columbia
First Nations--Biography--Children's literature--Canada
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