Effective literacy teaching for Indigenous students principles from evidence-based practices /

Scull, Janet

Effective literacy teaching for Indigenous students principles from evidence-based practices / [citation] : Janet Scull - 2016

Success in literacy is critical to effective learning outcomes for all children, however for many Indigenous students who move variously between their Indigenous languages, Aboriginal English, and Standard forms of English the teaching of language and literacy has heightened significance and requires distinct, concentrated attention. This paper will consider principles for practice that have been derived from the adaptation of teaching programs implemented to effectively support Indigenous students' (English) literacy learning. The three programs discussed: the Abecedarian Approach Australia (3a) for preschool children, the Literacy Acquisition for Pre-primary Students pilot program and Reading Recovery, a literacy intervention for students after one year of school. From the evidence presented, successful literacy outcomes for students can been related to engaging with and connecting to Indigenous communities and families, teachers' professional skills and knowledge, the provision of responsive teaching interventions and investment in well-researched proven programs.

Literacy--Study and teaching--Australia
Supported by Equinox

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